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Melia Dunn
May 12, 20247 min read
Tales of a Recovering white Savior
Once upon a time… (Long enough ago,) there was a young girl who was raised in a small town in the magical region of southwestern...
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Melia Dunn
Mar 29, 20213 min read
I've failed my Asian-American friends
This past Saturday, March 27th, I walked among hundreds of Arizonans who attended the Anti-Asian Violence March and Vigil in Mesa and...
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Melia Dunn
Feb 5, 20214 min read
The Privilege of "Life doesn't give you what you can't handle."
In January, I was invited to guest write a blog post for YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix as part of their New Year, New Me As You Are series....
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Melia Dunn
Jun 10, 20204 min read
7 of 7: Never Giving in to the Fear
On New Year’s Day 2019, I got a call from Scottsdale Osborn Hospital Emergency Room. “Your mother was struck by a vehicle while riding...
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Melia Dunn
Jun 9, 20203 min read
6 of 7: Two (Aspirational) Roads Diverged...
Continued from “Pacing for Distance and Milestones” Gratitude Shout Out to Beth Yohe, who catapulted my awareness of whiteness and...
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Melia Dunn
Jun 8, 20204 min read
5 of 7: Pacing for Distance and Milestones
Continued from “Knowing My Lane” A few weeks back in quarantine and processing my brother’s death, I needed fresh air and a change of...
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Melia Dunn
Jun 6, 20204 min read
4 of 7: Knowing my Lane
Continued from “And the World Opened Up” Several years back I was dating a man who had a teen son. One day we decided it would be fun to...
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Melia Dunn
Jun 5, 20203 min read
3 of 7: And the World Opened Up
Continued from "Balance and Maneuvering" I fell. I got up. I was encouraged to keep riding. And I did. Riding a bike got me outside of...
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Melia Dunn
Jun 4, 20203 min read
2 of 7:Balance and Maneuvering
Continued from "Learning to Ride" Mom (or Dad) eventually did let go. I wasn’t confident, but getting the hang of it. Can you picture it?...
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Melia Dunn
Jun 4, 20202 min read
1 of 7: Learning to ride
I don’t have vivid memories of learning to ride a bike. I do remember being excited to learn, watching my older brother, Ryan have...
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Melia Dunn
Jun 4, 20201 min read
Preview 7-part series: Anti-racist: Bike rider
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are stirred into action, who are actively getting on the learning path from "non-racist" to...
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Melia Dunn
Jun 4, 20201 min read
The time to act is always NOW
Two frogs are sitting on a lily pad. One decides to jump off. How many frogs are left on the lily pad? TWO. "Wait, what? That can't be...
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